
Los progres de Newsweek en campaña

Sólo un párrafo:

Zapatero has managed this feat largely by following in the footsteps of his right-wing predecessor José María Aznar, embracing dramatic fiscal reforms and adding his own tax cuts and entrepreneurship incentives. But he's maintained his left-wing support with equally striking social reforms. Half of his government's cabinet ministers are women. New legislation cracks down on gender violence and promotes equal incomes in the workplace. Gay men and women are not only free to marry but can adopt children. Divorce has been made easier; mandatory religious education in state schools is a thing of the past. Smoking has been restricted in public spaces and amnesty granted to hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants. "We are witnessing social changes that were unimaginable three or four years ago," says Manuel Monzón, a Barcelona film producer.
Zapatero has managed this feat largely by following in the footsteps of his right-wing predecessor José María Aznar, embracing dramatic fiscal reforms and adding his own tax cuts and entrepreneurship incentives.
Mentira. Ni una.
But he's maintained his left-wing support with equally striking social reforms.
Veamos cuales:
Half of his government's cabinet ministers are women.
Menudo mérito. Para lo que sirven ... las fashionvictims estas ....
New legislation cracks down on gender violence and promotes equal incomes in the workplace.
Mezclar trabajo y violencia doméstica es un poco friki ¿no? Además me parece que llevamos el récord de mujeres asesinadas este año. Y el paro femenino no es que sea bajo precisamente. Sobre todo en las CCAA donde gobierna el PSOE.
Gay men and women are not only free to marry but can adopt children.
¿Se puede discutir si una sociedad así es mejor?, ¿o es un dogma de fe progre?
Divorce has been made easier;
Cierto. Sobre todo agradecidos los del sector de organización de bodas. Y despedidas de solter@. Y despedidas de casad@. Y los abogados.
mandatory religious education in state schools is a thing of the past.
Cierto. Y tan del pasado que yo en mi vida he hecho clase de religión desde 5º de EGB allá por principios de los 80. Así que apuntándose tantos de la UCD ...
Smoking has been restricted in public spaces and amnesty granted to hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants.
Prohibido Fumar y Papeles para todos. El Prohibir Fumar no ha servido de mucho, a ver quién pilla un bar para ver el fútbol sin humo. Bueno, para que bajen el Marlboro. Y respecto a lo de llenar Europa de inmigrantes ilegales me remito a la opinión del resto de países de "nuestro entorno".
"We are witnessing social changes that were unimaginable three or four years ago," says Manuel Monzón, a Barcelona film producer.
Joder, lo que faltaba, un titiritero de comentarista en el Newsweek. ¿O debería decir Newsweak?

Eso es darle prestigio a una publicación.

A no ser que unimaginable social changes es que ya no se quemen las sedes del partido del gobierno.

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